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Date Selection

“Success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.”
- Arnold H Glasow

One couldn’t say enough about the importance of right timing in almost every decision we made. The element of time plays such a significant role that the Chinese uses the Art of Date Selection or 擇日 (Ze Ri) to pick an auspicious date to enhance their success in life.

Auspicious dates are normally selected for marriages, official opening, project launch, signing contracts and many other important activities. The dates chosen are based on individual’s BaZi Chinese Metaphysical chart to capture the best suitable energies for the event.

The Art of Date Selection uses the Chinese astrology, solar terms, five elements etc to examine the usability of the day which can be complex and intimating to some. However, Danny has structured the class in such a way that any layperson can pick up this art easily through a simple yet systematic approach.

After the class, you are able to pick up the best possible date and even narrow down to the best 10 minutes to activate your activity. You can also apply this art in our modern world activities such as going on a diet, looking for a job, asking for pay rise, breaking up a relationship, adopting a pet, moving house, seeking medical treatment, going for a holiday etc.

The Art of Date Selection comes in handy anytime, anywhere especially when you need that extra edge to enhance your success rate. The knowledge that you acquired through this class can be applied year after year. If you like, you can also help others to pick an auspicious date for their event.

Class details:

  • Date & time: (Total duration: 6 hours)

  • Venue: Can be done online

  • Number of students: Minimum 2 students to start the class

  • Fee: S$375 (Confirmation upon payment)

About Danny

How to register:

Step 1
Send us an email and indicate your name, contact number and preferred payment mode. Email: admin@heliosphere.biz

Payment mode:
(a) Bank transfer – we will send you the bank transfer details
(b) Paypal – we will send you a PayPal invoice to enable you to pay by credit card

Step 2
We will acknowledge payment received. In addition, we need the following information from you:
(a) Name
(b) Gender (Male or Female)
(c) Date & time of birth (eg 25th December 1978, 1528pm or 3:28pm)
(d) Place of birth (eg San Jose, California, USA or Taipei, Taiwan or Singapore)

To note:

Class can be conducted in English or Mandarin. However, please let us know your proficiency in Chinese. For those who are foreign to the Chinese characters, I will formulate the corresponding pinyin that you can easily follow along.


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