And along the way, I have come to connect with other wellbeing facilitators.
My interest in nadi leaf reading was piqued a long time ago but as it always is, timing is everything. Mr Kumar appeared in and after a reading he did for me on 8 November 2020, I felt it was a resource that many others could benefit from. Nadi leaf facilitation – as I do the translation of English from Mr Kumar to Mandarin for his clients in Taiwan – offers me insight into other dimensions of healing that I feel add more nuanced layers to a client’s healing journey. It certainly did for me.
My reading by Mr Kumar helped me make the required decisions (as opposed to what I felt I was supposed to do) regarding Heliosphere, and beyond. I had thought of giving up my holistic services and pivoting back to Shojin Ryori instead. The leaf reading stated that I was to continue Diamond’s mission on earth. And is it a coincidence that Mr Kumar shares the same birth date as Diamond? I think not. I feel it’s another way in which the connection I have Diamond has just taken on a different form, and Mr Kumar is the facilitator ‘sent’ to me in my lowest moment to get me back on track.
Another modality that I have recently embraced more whole-heartedly is psychic training. This training is under the guidance of Pat Longo, whom some of you might know as Theresa Caputo’s (of reality TV series, Long Island Medium, fame) teacher. This isn’t about becoming a psychic reader but I believe that having the ability to be more intuitively in tune with my clients will help me communicate the impressions or messages I receive while I do a reading. I also believe it will enable me to better ascertain which guided interventions and other wellness-promoting strategies that might be more suitable for a particular client’s reading or sitting, especially in this multiculturally sensitive world that we are co-habiting. These will also go towards being able to evaluate a client’s progress to gauge or fine-tune additional requirements.
Just as we all live multi-faceted lives – we’re someone’s sibling, a mentor, a spouse, a child, and more – so do we require different tools to navigate our respective life path. And I realise that life coaching – helping clients gain clarity and sharing possibilities to become unstuck – is naturally part and parcel that’s interwoven into the readings I offer at Heliosphere. It was during the Bazi readings I was giving that made me realise this and hence, I decided to dive deeper into this area.
To this end, as I continue to hone my skills in this area, I hope to be better able to support my clients in attaining or actualising their goals by co-creating realistic plans to reach them. A Bazi reading is two-dimensional; the Bazi chart plots out one’s destiny while highlighting areas of concerns or of note. Applying the advice given is what brings it to life, so to speak.
For example, a Bazi reading I had done for lady who found it difficult to reconcile with the fact she had gotten a divorce. On further queries, she revealed that her husband’s health had indeed suffered after they had gotten married. Her chart revealed that marriage was not a path she should take and knowing that her ex-husband would be healthier after the divorce allowed her to heal and let go.
I do not usually do divination for clients; it’s a method I’d choose to use when a client is in need of a certain decision, which can’t be obtained from a Bazi chart reading. This had helped a client a decision as to whether he should consider an employment offer from a company, which the divination reading had highlighted more negatives than positives.
And anyone who has read my chart would know my life hasn’t been easy, yet I have presented a life of relative ease and happiness. Many are amazed at how I have been able to overcome these challenges. Drawing from my personal experiences, be it career, relationships, and more, I feel I can walk along side my clients and be someone they can trust. I feel I have, over the years, helped many with their life challenges by leveraging on my knowledge of energy healing, divination, intuitive training, chart readings, and much more. Or even just as simple as sharing actual events (details of clients are never revealed or shared) to help illustrate a point, if required.
Many find it comforting and even inspiring.
I cannot walk your path; it is your personal spiritual journey. However, I can walk along side you, offering a listening ear, words of guidance and the occasional nudge when your feet might start to step off your personal healing path.
What I ask from you is to bring with you an open mind, a willing heart and the knowing that this healing is for yourself.
The journey of healing belongs to you, but you are not alone on this path. I will walk alongside you, witnessing your growth and breakthroughs as we create a beautiful future that is uniquely yours.